A sculpture created in cement and granite, in collaboration with Claus Ørntoft

2004-2005, beton og stilladselementer,
5 x 5 x 6 meter
”Menneskestillads” er bygget op over et funktionelt stillads. Det fungerer både som armering og ramme. 36 beton figurer, ( hver ca. 2m. høje), er modelleret direkte over de lodrette stillads stænger og bliver dermed de bærende elementer. På denne måde vil konstruktionen kunne tilpasses forskellige steders karakter og arkitektur.
Menneskets overlevelsesdrift, evne til foranderlighed, til at flytte på sig og genopbygge har altid fascineret mig. 
I ”Menneskestillads”  har jeg kunnet gå ind i disse temaer, fordi stilladset giver en logisk indgang til at lege med dette. Væsnerne vil kunne bytte plads indbyrdes og f.eks. vende op eller ned næste gang.

"Beauty and the Beast" is an image that has been used in many different situations where the dangerous and the sweet, the ugly and the beautiful etc. meet and are attracted by each other, because they need what the other represents. We chose to go into this theme in our way, retaining our respective styles, both sculpturally as well as in our choice of material, which are combined into one sculpture. The base/plinth is Claus' aggressive, very extroverted animal, which opens its mouth and either holds, wants to consume or releases the graceful female figure, which bursts out in an arc, with the head making contact with the ground. She bends more in pleasure than in pain. The children can climb and ride on the animal, which sits on the grass. The woman forms a portal, which ends on the "road", which is large enough for the children to cycle underneath.


BEAUTY AND THE BEAST - press for large photos