Performance med Rolling Angels, og udstilling om Life-boats med i 75-års mindemarkering for bombadementet af Dresden i Tyskland den 13. februar 1945

Rullende Engle til Dresden
I anledning af 75-års dagen for bombardementet af Dresden den 13. februar 1945
Fra den 5. Februar frem til den 16. Februar 2020
Kunstprojektet er et initiativ fra Kunsthaus Dresden med den dansk-norske kunstner Marit Benthe Norheim og den norske komponist Geir Johnson i byrummet i centrum af Dresden.
Engleflokken vil ankomme til centrum foran Culture Palace den 5. februar kl. 17.00. Hvor Borgmesteren af Dresden, Dirk Hilbert vil være tilstede.
Derefter vil de bevæge sig rundt i Dresden frem til Mindemarkeringen den 13. februar, sat i programmet som en Performance af 17 engle, hvor bl.a Forbundspræsidenten Frank-Walter Steinmeier vil være tilstede.
En dag hvor tusinde af mennesker vil holde hinanden i hænderne i en ring rundt om byen, for at vise at de står samlet for fred.
Derefter vil hele engleflokken fortsætte sin færd i Dresden, frem til den 8. maj, dagen for kapitulationen.
De ønsker å bruke dem som budbringere av håp, trøst og fred 

De rullende englene er modellert i betong, over gamle skrallespannsstativer og har innlagte lydbilder, skapt av komponisten Geir Johnson.

2 af englene er lavet specielt til Dresden, bestilt af Dresden Kunsthaus, og vil blive der permanent.

Mit sicherem Abstand [At a Safe Distance]. An art action on both sides of the Dresdner Elbufer on May 8, 2020

KUNSTHAUS DRESDEN - Press release 06/05-20 
The art performance taking place on Saturday, May 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. on the Elbufer on both sides of the Elbe River in Dresden, centers on the showing appreciation for 75 years of peace and commemorating the anniversary of the end of the Second World War and thus of the National Socialist period in Dresden.

The performance with 17 rolling angel sculptures made of white concrete by the Norwegian-Danish artist Marit Benthe Norheim with music by composer Geir Johnson will be presented under the title ROLLING ANGELS. Mit sicherem Abstand simultaneously on both banks of the Elbe at the three historical bridges, Augustusbrücke, Albertbrücke and Blaues Wunder.  All bridges in Dresden, except for Blaues Wunder, were destroyed by German troops shortly before the end of the war and rebuilt after the war. Today, the bridges can also be regarded as symbols of the connectedness of the urban community.

The performance stands for a reassessment of closeness and empathy that in times of the Corona pandemic preoccupies people all over the world.

Süddeutsche Zeitung Kultur, 9. Maj 2020


Rullende Engles ankomst til centrum foran Culture Palace i Dresden den 5. februar 2020 Hvor Borgmesteren af Dresden, Dirk Hilburg var med. Foto: Anja Schneider

Marit Benthe Norheim sammen med de Rullende Engle, lige inden deres afrejse til Dresden


Wed, Feb 5 - Wed, Feb 5, 2020, 5:30 p.m. Place: Kulturpalast / Wilsdruffer Straße DRESDEN


We warmly invite you to start the ROLLING ANGELS project with a greeting from the Mayor of the State Capital and in the presence of the artist Marit Benthe Norheim and the composer Geir Johnson

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Kunsthaus Dresden direktør Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz vil også arbeide for på sikt å få Life-boats til Dresden, men i første omgang vil hun gjerne gi Life-boats et rom på utstillingen Requiem, hvor hun vil presentere Mit skib er ladet med Minder, og det denne delen av prosjektet står for.

Welcome to the OPENING of Requiem on Saturday, February 8th at 6pm  with an introduction by Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz (Kunsthaus Dresden) and Dr. Dirk Pörschmann (Director Museum for Sepulchral Culture Kassel)

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Lydinstallationerne er realiseret med hjælp fra Henrik Albrectsen og Sune Blach Granberg.
Med teknisk support fra Notam (Norsk center for teknologi i musik og kunst og støttet af:

Rullende Engle er støttet
af Norsk komponistforening

Uddrag af henvendelsen fra Kunsthaus Dresden

“For February next year we are preparing an exhibition and an intervention in public space in Dresden. Both are developed around the commemoration of the end of Second World War, February 1945 when Dresden, as many other European cities was heavily bombarded. In Dresden this commemoration has a conflictual history. This motivated us and also the city to intervene artistically into the scenario from time to time during the last decade.

The main conflict lines are, that this commemoration of course has to be seen and held in a European dimension, after all war and fascism has been initiated from Germany and led to tremendous suffering, of course Dresden is only, but one of many communities which has suffered in consequence, all over the world.

Together with the city municipality and many other groups from the civil sphere it is always a big aim, to keep up this consciousness and make sure, that right wing groups, who try to occupy and instrumentalize  the historical events for their current aims, cannot dominate the scenario.

The imprint of your Rolling Angels got stuck in my head, as such but also in relation to the experiences of these days.

We have suffered a lot of aggressive atmosphere in this time, due to the right wing, and then again the protests around their instrumentaliations. The angels, somehow, could insert a different energy into this scenario, an unquestionable essence of empathy, authority (spiritually of course) and mourning in a universal sense, also addressing contemporary causes to mourn.

This whole context in the public space however requires a specific response, in order not to open the door for a huge number of artistic contributions somehow evolving around issues of war and mourning. So I was wondering, whether it would at all be imaginable to think of, possibly in collaboration with Geir Johnson, one or two additional Angels, responding to this specific situation, current situations of mourning civil victims of war all over the world ...”

Christiane Mennicke-Schwarz, Leitung / director Kunsthaus Dresden


To af de beskyttende engle af de i alt 17 beton-skulpturer, ”The Carrier” og ”The Caretaker” er lavet til og for Dresden og vil blive der permanent. De bærer i deres arme og på deres vinger mindet om de døde i Shoah, i anden verdens krig i Europa, og om ofrene for de stadig fremherskende krigshandlinger mod folk overalt i verden.

Englene inviterer forbipasserende til at flytte dem / ændre deres positioner i mødet med dem.

Hvis engle eksisterede, hvad ville de så kunne hjælpe os med i dag?
Ville de have brug for et pas? Hvilken rolle ville de have i det vi har tilfælles i vores  verden i dag 

TV2 Nord udsendelse, lavet af Michael Andersen.
Udgivet den 1. februar og vist i NORDliv den. 6. februar 2020.

Sender engle på mission: De skal give håb, trøst og fred til Dresden.
Den Nordjyske, norskfødte kunstner Benthe Norheim ruller 17 engle skabt i beton ind i Dresden på en følelsesladet mission. Det sker for at markere 75 års dagen for de allieredes sønderbombning af Dresden under Anden Verdenskrig.

06.44 min

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